The Art of Breast Feeding

All parents share special moments with their babies, from the very first moment they open their eyes and cry to the first time they crawl on their own. Mothers, however, share an even deeper bond, from giving life to feeding life into their newborns. Breastmilk contains essential nutrients that aid in your baby’s development and protect your precious one from diseases and other infections in their early years.

Prepping Up

Do your research; there are plenty of helpful articles like this one that provide information to get you prepared. This can be a stressful time in any mother’s journey, but communication with your partner and even other moms can help you ease into it. Remember, at this time, your body goes through various changes to help you prepare. You may notice changes around your areola (the dark area around the nipple) which will even start to secrete oil. This is essential as it keeps the area clean, fights bacteria, keeps your skin soft and prepares you to breast feed your baby.

Breast Feeding

It is vital to support your baby’s fragile neck and back when getting them into position. They should be able to tilt their head back and swallow the milk with ease. A common mistake new mothers make is leaning forward while trying to make the baby latch; this leads to the baby finding it uncomfortable and a poor overall latch. Be patient, and gently bring the baby’s lips to the breast. They will eventually latch on their own, which can also indicate your baby is in a comfortable position and ready.

When to Pump

Most mothers ask, “When’s the best time to start pumping?” The answer depends on a variety of factors, such as your baby’s health and weight gain, and if the need for separation arises. Pumping during pregnancy is not recommended as this can cause your body to produce hormones that will put you into labor. Ideally, 3-4 weeks after giving birth is the right time to start pumping out milk. Remember to choose the best quality breast pump, as substandard pumps may even damage your breast, and inappropriate storage can cause the milk to get contaminated. can assist you in your motherly journey, with the right quality products to help you nurture your baby with ease.